Also Iolo has a lovely voice, #springwatch
One of the fledgling robins looking like suet wouldn’t melt in its beak
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #Robin
The proud parent watching over its 2 little ones. I had to crop this vertically so I hope it views ok
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #Robin
This baby robin was told it evolved from the dinosaurs and took it to heart. Maybe wants to be a Triceratops when it grows up
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #Robin
#springwatch alert. Tonight my favourite entomologist Dave Goulson will be talking about the impact of our pets flea and tick treatments on our ecosystems. Will be an eye opener for many pet owners.
We have finally been lucky enough to have 2 baby Robins at last. We thought that they must have failed as it is so late for their first brood. Then 2 turned up. Here’s the first being given a meal. More of these to follow.
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #Robin
The Blackbirds have been doing well, bringing their young to the garden to feed. We now have at least 6 youngsters visiting the feeders or being fed by the adults
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #Blackbirds
This young Blue Tit was practicing its abseiling technique. It was pretty impressive watching it tie the line at the top
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #BlueTit
How lovely is it to see @AtmStreetart on #springwatch ? I love his stuff. Lowestoft is very luck to have 2 or 3 of his works
Yahoo! Springwatch covering allotment foxes tonight
Daughter has just announced she’d rather watch a fly eating squirrel poo on #Springwatch than the shite on #BBCQT.
This little beauty is a Four-spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata). We had not cut the grass in the garden at all this year to allow it to be a bit wild. The benefit has been the huge number of different insects. Insects are a key part in the food chain for birds.
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #dragonfly
Starlings are very striking birds. At this time of year they are like piranhas of the avian world and will strip a ground feeder in minutes of its contents!
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch #Starlings
Bramble and Jasper have taken their positions to watch Springwatch.
"Get Packham off with his spade! Show us the birdies! '" #springwatch #Cats
#30DaysWild is The #Wildlife Trusts' annual challenge event, where everyone involved does one wild thing a day throughout the month of June
A month dedicated to exploring the wonders of #nature, from the majestic red kites soaring above to the humble bees buzzing in our #gardens.
30 Days Wild | #TheWildlifeTrust
Robins on the other hand nearly always look happy, but they will let you know if the feeder is empty
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch
Adult greenfinches always look grumpy
#Birds #Nature #NaturePhotography #RSPB #BirdPhotograpy #BTO #BirdsofMastodon #BabyBirdWatch #SpringWatch
While #springwatch is on, here's a photo Eve took on a walk to Marshes Gill earlier today. There by the side of the road were two Lapwing chicks (we think, if they're not, please advise). One hid itself quickly, this one was a little slower. #Birds